lördag 16 maj 2009


This blog entry will contain some thoughts I have regarding my thesis that I'm writing at this very moment.

To beginn with, I'm writing a thesis in economics and it aims to measure individuals' willingness to pay for Fairtrade coffee. I'm very interested in this matter and it is nice to see the effects Fairtrade has had on the livings standards for people in developing countries. There are, however, Fairtrade opponents that state that Fairtrade does not increase economic growth and hence not welfare but this is not the matter of discussion for this blog entry

At this moment, subject for my thoughts is the numerous issues and obstacles that comes with writing a thesis. I actually find it rather difficult writing it and it is defenitely the most demanding task I've done since I started studying. Maybe this is how it should be, "the ultimate test". Sometimes it just feels like I never have time or the ability to perform the tasks as good as I might want to do them. One could always study more right?

These feelings and thoughts of mine might appear from the fact that I'm turning in my thesis this very friday and I don't have the slightest idea how I'm going to make it ;/ There is just not enough hours on a day. My tuitor told me that it would be allright if I finish it during the summer and hand it in when the fall semester beginns. Sure, I could do that but it would feel so good just to get it over with.

So, I'm off writing then =)

söndag 15 mars 2009


The last fifty years our society has been subject to a substantial globalization process and I would say that this development will continue for the next fifty years aswell. On our continent, the European Union is helping countries to become more open towards one and other and in the long run this will help us become even more open to other continents than we are today.

In the past, different treaties such as the maastricht treaty, which was the foundation for the European Union, has helped European countries to open up their boarders. To travel as a European between the member states is almost as easy as travelling within ones own country. Due to this I reckon that Europe will beginn a developement towards becoming more of a country and the current countries will in the long run be seen as states in the same way as the states in the US. This development will help Europe become a more powerful unit and it will be easier for us to negotiate in different international matters.

I also believe and hope that new treaties between continents will help the globalization process to move forward in order to help diminish the difficulties we have today when travelling to other continents.

My Personal Changes Within the Next Five Years

The last three years I have been studying economics at Karlstad University and this is something that I have definitely enjoyed doing. I started my education rather uncertain of whether I really wanted to become an economist or not. Hence, I basically spent the first year questioning my choiche of proffesion.

However, I was keen on getting an education and after succesfully completing my first year I was convinced that I had made the right choice. Right now I am doing my sixt semester and my education is about to end within the next year. This basically means that I am on the verge of entering a new chapter of my life which hopefully will beginn with me getting a job where I can use some of the knowledge that I have acquired from the years at university. If I get a job and I sure do hope so it will be followed by me getting a better income and that is something that I am really looking forward to.

It can be very stressful sometimes not knowing what will happen or where you will end up and since a degree in economics is very broad I believe ones future becomes even more uncertain. However, I reckon that as long as you do something that you enjoy doing and make choices that you can support you will eventually end up right where you want to be. Whether that is working in a bank or help alleviate poverty in Africa you will be happy.

tisdag 9 december 2008

Nice Work

The part in Nice Work that affected me most was the part where Robyn made her first day at Pringles and sons. The male employees treated her very condescending and I found it very appalling to realise that the way she was treated by the men at the company was probably the way women were treated in contemporary society at that time. Not only were the men amazingly stunned by the fact that she was a woman but when realising it, very blunt, it seemed as if they were in such great chock so that they didn’t know how to act. This section made me think about that even though we have a long way to go when it comes to equality between men and women however, we do have come a long way since the time when Nice Work took place.

This section of the book also includes a lot of prejudices and as much that I would like to say that it is only the men who patronizes women and Robyn in particular this isn’t the case. Even though Robyn is the object of a lot of patronizing comments, some said right to her face and some behind her back, she is also having preconceived notions about Pringles and sons. I would say that Pringles and Sons as an example of the factory world, and The University are very judgemental towards one another which in part depends on that the two worlds are very different and people tend to be scared of the things that they do not know about. I definitely think that we are more open today and not as scared of things that we do not know about. I would even say that today people like exploring unknown territories

Finally, I want to say that it is important to understand that even though the world we live in is not as equal as we want it to be we are moving in the right direction.

onsdag 8 oktober 2008

The Story about stuff

After seeing The story about stuff by Annie Leonard it crossed my mind that there are a lot of things going on around us every day that we do not think about, nor do we realize that many of the things we do or consume are bad for the environment. We all know that humans do a lot of things to pollute the earth. This movie really alerts you about the fact that there are a lot of things that we do in our every day life, without us thinking about it, that are bad for the environment.

As Leonards states in her movie we consume more today than we have ever done and the fact that World War II was, according to Annie Leonards, where it all began is something that I would say people don’t think about. At least it didn’t occur to me that this was the case. It is scary to think about the effect World War II actually had on this planet. Not only the things that we all learn in school but also things that are invisible to us.

Annie Leonards alerts us with things that according to me should be pretty obvious to everybody but that we somehow have forgotten about.

måndag 15 september 2008

"Snooping bosses"

The article ”snooping bosses” about how people are being monitored in contemporary society is really an article that makes you think about what kind of society we are living in. There are parts of this article that I completely agree on and then there are parts where I definitely disagree.

For starters I would say that an employer should have the right to know what his or her employees are doing during working hours. I would not say that an employer has the right to be able to read an employee’s private emails. What we do when we are not working is none of our employers business nor is it his or her business what people write to me in my personal emails. The issue would be if I read my emails when I am suppose to be working or if there is any suspicion of crime, but in that case I believe that it would a matter for the police.

Secondly I most certainly do not think that employers should have the right to follow employees when they are not working. As I have already mentioned, what people do or were they go during their spare time is no one else’s business. A boss should be able to monitor his or her employees at work but that is as far as it goes.

Finally I believe that surveillance cameras are one why in which it is possible to monitor employees. My opinion is that if you do not have anything to hide this should not be a problem. The issue that always comes up in this discussion is that by monitoring people we loose our integrity but I do not agree on that matter. There should not be a problem being monitored at work if you are doing your job correctly. In some cases it could even be an advantage for the employees to be monitored. If you are working in a bank for example and the bank gets robed it would be in the employees’ interest to get that on tape.

The most important thing in this discussion is that employers should trust in his or her employees. Mutual trust and respect is fundamental for doing a good job together.