söndag 15 mars 2009

My Personal Changes Within the Next Five Years

The last three years I have been studying economics at Karlstad University and this is something that I have definitely enjoyed doing. I started my education rather uncertain of whether I really wanted to become an economist or not. Hence, I basically spent the first year questioning my choiche of proffesion.

However, I was keen on getting an education and after succesfully completing my first year I was convinced that I had made the right choice. Right now I am doing my sixt semester and my education is about to end within the next year. This basically means that I am on the verge of entering a new chapter of my life which hopefully will beginn with me getting a job where I can use some of the knowledge that I have acquired from the years at university. If I get a job and I sure do hope so it will be followed by me getting a better income and that is something that I am really looking forward to.

It can be very stressful sometimes not knowing what will happen or where you will end up and since a degree in economics is very broad I believe ones future becomes even more uncertain. However, I reckon that as long as you do something that you enjoy doing and make choices that you can support you will eventually end up right where you want to be. Whether that is working in a bank or help alleviate poverty in Africa you will be happy.

1 kommentar:

Maren Birkenstock sa...

I enjoyed reading your blog. You give a nice overview about your thoughts and the different paragraphs make it easy to follow. I'm just missing sth. like a small headline or something like this in the first paragraph were you give a short statement about your exact wish for the next five years. For instance a sentence like: "I expect for the next five years that..." That would give the reader a good guide where you wanna end at the end of the text and this makes it easier to get your point.