onsdag 8 oktober 2008

The Story about stuff

After seeing The story about stuff by Annie Leonard it crossed my mind that there are a lot of things going on around us every day that we do not think about, nor do we realize that many of the things we do or consume are bad for the environment. We all know that humans do a lot of things to pollute the earth. This movie really alerts you about the fact that there are a lot of things that we do in our every day life, without us thinking about it, that are bad for the environment.

As Leonards states in her movie we consume more today than we have ever done and the fact that World War II was, according to Annie Leonards, where it all began is something that I would say people don’t think about. At least it didn’t occur to me that this was the case. It is scary to think about the effect World War II actually had on this planet. Not only the things that we all learn in school but also things that are invisible to us.

Annie Leonards alerts us with things that according to me should be pretty obvious to everybody but that we somehow have forgotten about.

3 kommentarer:

little A sa...

I think that most people already know about this enviroment problems and how we people are causing them with our consumption.
We are just acting in a nonchalance way. Therefore I´m not sure that reminding people will solve this global problem.

I think the only way to solve it is stricter enviroment rules for the producers.


Johanna sa...

I agree, it's easy to just consume and not think about the consequences of our actions. I believe that many people knows about the problem but don't really think about it in their daily life


Madeleine S sa...

Like you said, I also think its important to remind people how much our daily consumption affects our planet.

I personally think its going to be hard to consume less stuff in the future but we can always give it a try!

/Madeleine S